Wonderful - one of the best pieces of apologetics and testimony combined that I have had the pleasure to read in quite some time.

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"Blood is the stuff of life, as well as its price."


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I used to be a Unitarian Universalist. Now I'm a Baptist. And I want to spend all day reading every post on your Substack, which I've just discovered. But you've also strengthened my desire to return to the in-person world—and get a copy your book.

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Sir! You’re a blessing!

This is an incredible write.

This past Holy Week, I needed reminding by exposition, of the blood of Jesus. Sadly, it was hard to find. Popular, pragmatic preachers are expunging it from their Easter messages in order to be more seeker sensitive and the Atonement itself is under attack in theological and evangelical circles. For 30 minutes, I scoured YouTube streaming live Easter services until I found one with a set prop of a doorpost stained with blood. Finally, I exclaimed! And then this morning I stumbled upon this. You put the gospel down on the ground brother. I needed this.

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My last thoughts are the following to ponder

What parent would disown their own child?

Try to imagine any of your loved ones in hell for all eternity, you cannot even fathom it why?

Because in reality we DON"T really believe it. We deep down do not believe in God that would do that, and if you do then you have not really pondered it very seriously.

We only believe in hell in the abstract and because we think we have to as part of our faith.

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

I am a universalist i am a Christian univeralist (not a unitarian) and i am unashamed to say so. You say the universe demands a cross. You are correct and Jesus hung on that cross and he defeated death and God's enemies.

Because of the CROSS is the reason i am a Univeralist, Jesus wins and he wins it ALL. Stating that most of humanity ( Calvinist point of view) will be lost in hell is not only repugnant doctrine, but it basically states that God loses and evil and rebellion wins.

John 3:16 says " God so loved the World"

He came to save the world not condemn it

Because of how big and wide God's love is for humanity is that Universalism is the ONLY coherent belief system otherwise Christianity is a incoherent faith.

Nobody can exist apart from God, this idea that we can shake our fist and God and somehow live in our rebellion for all eternity is incoherent and actually unbiblical.

Alot of this comes from the idea that we have libretarian free will to exist apart from God. We cannot exist apart from God. God literally sustains humanity and the universe with his word. When we die we return to God because everything comes from God.

The wages of sin is death not eternal torture. The most plausible possibility is annihilation as opposed to eternal hell. I will not debate annhilation verses eternal hell here though.

Those of us that are Christian Universalist, believe that God's love is so wide and so great that it covers everyone even the most vile of sinners.

Does that mean that people get a pass to be evil?, Everyone will have to stand before God and answer for our lives and actions. No i believe that whatever punishments God will mete out will be for restoring and correcting.

It is incoherent doctrine for a God that is infinite, Omniscient all powerful to create billions of people and allow for most of his creation be lost.

What parent would disown their own child, either everyone is saved or no one is, otherwise life on this earth Christian or not makes no sense at all.

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